Paul Kapp, Gilby Jepson, Barbara Carrapa, Allen J. Schaen, John He, and Jordan Wang. (2023). Laramide crustal bulldozing beneath the Arizona Transition Zone. Geology
John He, Peter W Reiners. (2022). A revised alpha-ejection correction calculation for (U-Th)/He thermochronology dates of broken apatite crystals. Geochronology.
Zhimin Li, Runchao Liu, John He, Wenjun Zhu, Wanhe Wang, Yueren Xu, Wenqiao Li, Ding Lin (2022). From ka to Ma: A multi-scale record of accelerating tectonic uplift rates between the Qilian Shan and the Qaidam Basin, northern Tibetan Plateau. GSA Bulletin.
John He, Stuart N. Thomson, Peter W.Reiners, Sidney R. Hemming, Kathy J. Licht. (2021). Rapid erosion of the central Transantarctic Mountains at the Eocene-Oligocene transition: Evidence from skewed (U-Th)/He date distributions near Beardmore Glacier. Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
*John He, Paul Kapp, James B. Chapman, Peter G. DeCelles, and Barbara Carrapa. (2018). Structural setting and U-Pb detrital zircon geochronology of Triassic – Cenozoic strata in the eastern Central Pamir, Tajikistan. In Treloar, P. J., and M. P. Searle (eds.), Himalayan Tectonics: A Modern Synthesis: Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 483. doi:10.1144/SP483.11.
2024 University of Michigan Smith Lecture (Invited)
2023 Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Invited)
2023 UCLA: "Exploring geologic evidence of lithosphere drips" (Invited)
2022 Chicago AGU: "When Continents Drip: Investigating the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary" (Invited)
2022 Chicago AGU: "Dynamic paleotopography in response to gravitational instability beneath the Colorado Plateau," (Invited)
2022 Vienna EGU: "Evaluating scant surface evidence of deep lithosphere removal: Towards a more comprehensive record,"
2021 New Orleans AGU @NASA Hyperwall. "Climate, Cryosphere, and the Crust: Birth of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet revealed in the solid earth record." (Invited)
2021 New Orleans AGU. "The Bidahochi Basin hypothesis: Hopi Buttes volcanics and paleolake marks location of local, small-scale lithosphere foundering and asthenosphere upwelling under the Colorado Plateau." Winner of AGU Outstanding Student Presentation Award
2019 Phoenix GSA. "Core complexes for non-geologists: Strategies and designs for visualizing complex, three-dimensional geologic concepts."
2017 Seattle GSA @ Challenges in Tectonics: Planetary Evolution in Four Dimensions—The New Global Tectonics: "Detrital zircon geochronology of the Paleozoic to Paleogene strata of the Central Pamir upper crust."
Other abstracts
Stuart N. Thomson, Peter W. Reiners, John He, Sidney R. Hemming, Kathy J. Licht. (2023). End-Eocene to Mid-Miocene uplift and retreat of the central Transantarctic Mountains great escarpment revealed using a regional-scale multiple low-temperature thermochronometer dataset. 18th International Conference on Thermochronology, Riva del Garda, Italy.
J. W. Wang, G.E. Gehrels, J. J. Y. He, P. Kapp, T. White. (2023). Structure and Age of the Bridge River-Shulaps Culmination: Window into Permo-Triassic Subduction Initiation, Jurassic-Cretaceous Collision, and Arc Polarity in the Canadian Cordillera. GSA Cordilleran Section, Reno Nevada.
P. Kapp, G. Jepson, B. Carrapa,J. He, and A. Schaen. (2022). Laramide crustal bulldozing beneath the western Arizona transition zone. GSA, Denver.
S. Thomson, P. W. Reiners, J. He, S. R. Hemming, and K. Licht. (2021). Escarpment retreat following end-Eocene rift flank uplift of the central Transantarctic Mountains supports a not-so-icy Oligocene Antarctica. AGU, New Orleans.
J. He, †D. O. Ozamah, P. Kapp. (2021). A detrital approach to evaluating the role of deep lithosphere removal in orogenesis. GSA, Portland
H. Blatchford, A. Fayon, V. Fox, J. He, N. Loughlin, M. Monz, C. Newville, J. Taylor. (2020). Preparing undergraduate students for modern field work with a focus on scientific writing, digital mapping, and remote sensing. Geologic Society of America, virtual.
V. Fox, H. Blatchford, A. Fayon, J. He, N. Loughlin, M. Monz, C. Newville, J. Taylor. (2020). Reality is virtual: Taking undergraduates on a field trip to Gale Crater, Mars. Geologic Society of America, virtual.
J. He, S. Thomson, and P. W. Reiners. (2019). Apatite (U-Th)/He thermochronometric data show rapid late Eocene incision in the central Transantarctic Mountains. In “Arctic and Antarctic subglacial environments: Bridging the gap between modern observations and paleoclimate records,” American Geophysical Union, San Francisco.
*S. Thomson, P. W. Reiners, J. He, S. R. Hemming, and K. Licht. (2019). Pre-glacial and glacial uplift and incision history of the central Transantarctic Mountains reevaluated using multiple low-temperature thermochronometers. Interdisciplinary Antarctic Earth Science workshop.
S. Thomson, P. W. Reiners, J. He, Sidney R Hemming, and Kathy Licht. (2019). New constraints on the pre-glacial and glacial uplift and incision history of the central Transantarctic Mountains using multiple low-temperature thermochronometers. In “Investigating the Feedbacks between Solid Earth Properties and the Cryosphere,” American Geophysical Union, San Francisco
J. He, P. Kapp, B. Carrapa, and J. B. Chapman. (2019). Did mid-Cenozoic strata in the Central Pamir form in a bobber basin associated with local lithospheric delamination? Himalaya-Karakorum-Tibet Workshop, Bozeman.
J. He, P. Kapp, and J. B. Chapman. (2018). Detrital zircon evidence for an episode of “mantle drip,” 30.5 million years ago. UAGR Showcase, Tucson. (Willock award recipient)
J. He, and T. Harms. (2016). Quantifying the penetrative deformation of a limestone pebble conglomerate from the Kootenay Arc, NE Washington. GSA Northeastern, Albany.